
I am a woman of many thoughts. I have several blogs but this will cover a little bit of everything. Please be open minded when you enter my domain and be sure to input your thoughts and ideas, even if you don't agree. If we all agreed on everything, life would be pretty boring, wouldn't it?

Friday, August 7, 2009


So I've been gone for quite a while now. I've been trying to make stuff pop for me and the rest of the artists in Birmingham. I don't have much time to write a detailed blog but I will write what's going on in list format.

*At the Art, Beats + Lyrics in B'ham, someone stole my camera and equiptment. I have a new body but desperately need a good lense.

*I've been doing a lot of work for "The Birmingham Weekly". They actually had a picture of Malcolm that I took on their front page on my B day (July 9th) . It was great.

*I started a non profit organization called WAR (We are Rtists). The purpose is to bring the artists and art organizations in the city together so that we can all do better. For more information, join the WAR group on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/jessica.latten?ref=name#/group.php?gid=219008825076&ref=ts

and the WAR myspace group: www.myspace.com/492246097

*Business is doing ok. Could be better. I need a new supplier for shea butter. Any suggestions? I also need more photo shoots... any suggestions?

*I want to get back into school but am a little nervous because I can't pay last semester's tuition. I'm trying to figure something out.

So that's pretty much it. The next WAR meeting is Sunday Aug 16 at 3:00 pm in Malcolm's Reading Room. I suggest you and everyone you know to come out to it. It is for everyone's benefit really.

This is how it works. The artists unite. The artists make money. The artists bring flavor to the city. We now have events for tourists to attend and art for people to buy. We bring business to the city. Birmingham does better economically. Think about it.. and come to the meeting.

Love ya, bye bye!

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